Archive for March 2009

SEO and … ‘And’!

March 24th, 2009 — 1:04am

So today I typed a very common word into the search engine — word and, and I wanted to see who ranks the first for such a common word, and to see why would someone be the first for the word and.

I was very pleasantly surprised as I discovered what seems to be a really very good site, and useful site, that among other things also talks about word and. What site would talk about word and? A site about grammar!

Not being native english speaker, I appreciate such a good online resources.

Anyhow, you will notice that word ‘and’ in its title doesn’t have … how would I say it… a fundamental meaning. It is there simply to connect two words, and title may as well be as good without it:

Guide to Grammar. Guide to Writing.

Guide to Grammar in Writing.

or some other variation. Words grammar and writing often occur near each other without word and. For example, ‘proper use of grammar in writing…’ (btw. I am aware there may be a few grammar mistakes inmy posts — I didn’t practice English grammar since high school).

this is the top site.

However, you will notice that next few results fundamentally require word ‘and’ in their titles.
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