Category: SEO Tips

Food for Thought

May 8th, 2020 — 7:47pm


3 concepts, 1 dominant..

If you don’t know which one, I will help, the least frequent one.

tf-idf at work.. crude vector normalization, and poor diversification of results.

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Where is Google heading?

June 28th, 2019 — 3:52am


In the last few years I have noticed it has become much harder to rank sites on Google. I knew it was in part due to using machine learning in ranking where things are based much more on big data statistics and less on common sense factors.

However, a recent whistleblower video illuminates why some sites may not rank as high or even be completely removed from search (or the platform all together). Following video has been removed from all major video sharing platforms, so it is quite important to see.

Google insider with hidden cam.

It is so important that some of the responsible people from Google have been called to congressional hearing. Super important points were made by the congressman:

I would add a few more points. Continue reading »

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Post vs Page SEO

October 18th, 2012 — 2:44pm

How Yoga helped me refresh my blog SEO knowledge

UPDATE (January, 2018): Apparently, pingback service is overwhelmed with automated blog posts which are becoming more and more common on the web, and as a consequence regular posts cannot always get real-time attention the way they used to.

I tried yoga in LPAC Chicago several years ago, and honestly, even though I went for a year, I wasn’t impressed. Recently I tried Bihar Yoga classes in Belgrade (Joga Beograd), and I must say that they are just incomparably better. Teacher Milan has M.D. and has also lived and studied yoga (and acupuncture) in India. Unlike most contemporary yoga instructors who superficially learn in a year or two how to teach, Milan has a deeper understanding of why and how each asana should be done, their sequences, pauses, etc. I liked these classes so much that I offered to help out with the site they didn’t have.

Even though unfinished, we decided to publish the site, just to start appearing on search engines. Site has been online for few days now, but there are two problems:

  1. It is appearing very low on Google search results
  2. It is not appearing at all on blog search results

First problem I kind of expected given the site is brand new. However, what surprises me is that it ranks low even for the domain name phrase query. In the past I noticed such thing happen only for quite competitive phrases. “Joga Beograd” without a detailed analysis didn’t seem to be such a competitive phrase.

Second problem however is much more interesting.

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Google Canonical URL Problems (and Link Disappearance from SERP-s)

April 6th, 2009 — 12:22pm

FINAL UPDATE: this turned out to be a false alarm! do not panic!! self-referential canonical link is fine, and doesn’t cause problems. You can still read the post and comments below to see how I got confused.

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Google Search Puzzles

October 29th, 2008 — 3:19am

Google searches and the number of results they give on October 28, 2008.

chicago developer about 414,000

chicago web developer about 72,100,000

chicago web designer about 9,110,000

chicago designer about 439,000

Can you solve this puzzle? Why more specific queries give more results when they should give less?! Why are there more of civil engineers, than (all) engineers? Why are there more chicago web developers than (all) chicago developers?

I am curious to know your hypothesis that can ‘explain’ above results.


Since no one replied so far, I will give my hypothesis:
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What do Sumblers Like to Stumbleupon

November 28th, 2007 — 9:13am

I got nice traffic from SU on several web pages I made. However, I do have some disappointments with it. I developed few sites, and am trying to figure out, by analyzing web statistics, what kind of content users like the most.

Before sharing my findings, let me say that I do understand that users will vary a lot depending on what tags you stumble a page with. Different tags will bring different people. That being said, here are few findings:

  1. SU users like a lot, how shall I call it, ‘instant satisfaction’. Continue reading »

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Nofollow Monstrosity

September 18th, 2007 — 5:48pm

(for people who don’t know, ‘nofollow’ is a word inside a link telling search engine not to give any credit to that link. why would anyone use it? to discourage spam.)

Many people wrote about this topic, but I want to focus on something that others did not dedicate enough attention to.

People increasingly use social sites, and sites that are built by user contributions. There are so many great things that resulted from this (one of my favorite reference sources is Wikipedia which is built by millions of users). However, there are some serious consequences caused by the introduction of ‘nofollow’ that many people are not aware of.

  1. Internet is rapidly going thru a PageRank concentration process (equivalent to real world capitalization where few people own most capital). Continue reading »

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SEO Tips

September 15th, 2007 — 4:00pm

You can ask me here any question about SEO. That does not mean that you will get every answer!


There is only one rule. Every reader must fill an email field, and only one question by the reader is allowed. Ask what you want to know the most!

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